Syntax Highlighting Themes

2 min

# Prism's Offical Themes

VuePress uses Prism.js as the syntax highlighter by default, which offers some offical themes.

Gungnir uses prism-tomorrow.css as the default syntax highlighting theme. To use other themes, for example, prism-coy.css:

// .vuepress/config.js
themeConfig: {
  codeTheme: "coy"

To use Prism.js's default theme prism.css:

themeConfig: {
  codeTheme: "default"

It should be noted that, you may also have to specify the code block background color codeBgColor and highlight line color codeHighlightLineColor in your .vuepress/styles/palette.styl file (create one if this file dosen't exist). For example, your want to use prism.css:

$codeBgColor = #f5f2f0
$codeHighlightLineColor = #b3d4fc

where codeBgColor can be found in the syntax highlighting style sheets, codeHighlightLineColor can be specified as any color you like.

# Custom Themes

Using a custom syntax highlighting theme is also supported. Just write your own highlighting style sheet (referring to the format of Prism's highlighting styles) and put it under folder .vuepress/public/highlight. You can use any file name you like, here we use my-theme for an example.


themeConfig: {
  codeTheme: "my-theme"

Also, you need to specify codeBgColor and codeHighlightLineColor in your .vuepress/styles/palette.styl file.