
2 min

npm github license

Plugin vuepress-plugin-markmap for adding markmap to VuePress to create mind maps in Markdown.

# Install

yarn add vuepress-plugin-markmap
# or
npm install vuepress-plugin-markmap

Then add it to your .vuepress/config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

# Usage

The token info of the code block should be markmap, for example:

# Fruit

## Red

- Apple
- Cherry

## Yellow

- Lemon
- Banana
# Fruit

## Red

- Apple
- Cherry

## Yellow

- Lemon
- Banana

Refer to the documentation of markmap for more information.


Theoretically, using code blocks highlighted by Prism.js in markmap is also supported (see here). However, markmap will import syntax highlighting styles if code blocks are used, which are conflited with this theme's highlighting styles. So you'd better not use code blocks in this plugin (before I find out an appropriate solution).

# License